Sunday, January 26, 2025

Psychoanalysis - dreams.jpg

Dreams in Analytical Psychology and Their Interpretation

Dreams in Analytical Psychology “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” This encapsulates Freud’s belief that dreams offer profound insights into the workings of the unconscious mind. In analytical psychology, dreams are seen as a window into the unconscious mind. Carl Gustav Jung, a … Read more

The Connection Between Tears and Emotional Pain Relief

Genital stimulation as a treatment for “hysteria” in women - Anima, Jung, Femme fatale, Oeidipus, Muses, men's soul

Anima in Jungian psychology: A key concept that represents the feminine aspect within the male psyche

psychologyzine - psychologyzine - claustrophobia, fear, small, confined places, lift, Batman

Claustrophobia, A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Fear and Childhood Trauma

psychologyzine - Sigmund Freud believe in ghosts

Unveiling Sigmund Freud’s Curious Belief in Ghosts: A Peek into the Mind of the Father of Psychoanalysis

Trauma - schizophrenia, demonic posession, obsession, lilith, succubus, incubus

Schizophrenia, Inner Voices, and the Historical Belief in Demonic Origins

psychologyzine - writing, alter ego, channelling, second life

The Writer’s Alter Ego and Exploring Literary Creation as a Second Life

psychologyzine - psychologyzine - claustrophobia, fear, small, confined places, lift, Batman

Claustrophobia, A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Fear and Childhood Trauma