Katsaridaphobia and What is The Fear of Cockroaches

Katsaridaphobia: Understanding the Fear of Cockroaches Phobias are irrational fears that can significantly disrupt a person’s daily life, and one of the more common and peculiar examples is katsaridaphobia: the fear of cockroaches. While some people may find these creatures simply unpleasant, for those with katsaridaphobia, the sight or even the thought of a cockroach … Read more

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psychologyzine.com - psychoanalysis, freud, Anna O., Oedipus complex, Electra complex

Psychoanalysis, are infant memories and childhood experiences shaping our psyche?

Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory and therapeutic approach that emphasizes the importance of unconscious processes in shaping human behavior. It explores how thoughts, feelings, and past experiences—especially from early childhood—affect a person’s behavior and mental health. Psychoanalysis seeks to bring unconscious conflicts to the surface, allowing individuals to gain insight and resolve their inner struggles. … Read more

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